School Portrait Dates
Pearce Photography will be taking school portraits in the multipurpose gym on Wednesday, October 14, 21, and 28 from 8:30-3:30 by appointment.
The lines will be socially distanced and masks will be worn up until the point you get in front of the camera.
PowerScheduler Directions to Schedule Your Appointment
- Click this Parent PowerSchool link – https://powerschool.lsr7.org/public/home.html
- Click “Conference Scheduling”
- Fill in your name and email address
- To select October 21 or 28, click Next Selection in the upper left corner

All school pictures will be uploaded on pearcephoto.com. A week after taking your portrait, enter any email address and the student lunch number as the password to see your student’s photo and place an order for prints. For questions about viewing or ordering photos, please email info@pearcephoto.com.
We encourage seniors to dress up—suit and tie, dress shirt and tie, or collared shirt for gentlemen. Solid color dressier tops or sweaters for ladies. All students must follow LSN’s dress code policy. The following accessories and items are not allowed in portraits and students who are wearing or have such will be asked to remove them before their photo is taken: no headgear, no headphones, no sunglasses, no backpacks, and no purse straps. Students will be asked to wear a jacket if they are wearing off-the-shoulder tops, spaghetti straps, or shirts with inappropriate images or lingo. Students who are not in compliance with these rules will not have their photo featured in the yearbook.