Students with the last names A-K will be in group A. Group A will attend school in-person on Mondays and Tuesdays, and engage in teacher-planned lessons and independent assignments virtually on Thursdays and Fridays. This means the first day of in-person learning for Group A is Monday, January 25.
Students with the last names L-Z will be in group B. Group B will attend school in-person on Thursdays and Fridays and engage in teacher-planned lessons and independent assignments virtually on Mondays and Tuesdays. This means the first day of in-person learning for Group B is Thursday, January 28.
On Wednesdays, all students will have the opportunity to engage with their teachers through group check-ins, office hours and individual meetings. Staff will also use Wednesdays as planning and collaboration time, and buildings will receive extra-cleaning and sanitization on Wednesdays.
Students at the same address will be grouped by the last name of the oldest child.
Should LSR7 need to transition back into virtual learning, the following schedule will be used.
The following schedule will be followed when LSN is in virtual learning. Students will follow this class schedule each day and be expected to be online at their defined time.
A More Visual Version of our Virtual Schedule
Students who chose in-person learning but are temporarily learning online are considered to be in “virtual learning”. These students will follow a class schedule which will include “live” sessions with your teachers each week along with independent learning. Students are expected to be online at their defined time.
Students who chose online only learning for the entire semester are considered to be in “online learning”. Recorded lessons and assignments will be pushed to students via Schoology. Online only students will be in an environment which is more self-directed in which they will be expected to manage their time and due dates.