Apply for a Work Internship
Juniors, as you begin planning your senior year, have you considered a work internship? With this option you are released early to work, earn money, earn elective credits toward graduation and learn career-related job skills. No job is required to sign up.
Look for an email with more information from Ms. Reed and feel free to contact any of the work internship coordinators with questions.
Supervised Business Experience
Christy Buckner Coordinator
>> Business, office, or technology type jobs located on-campus or off-campus. Office setting type jobs in medical, insurance, banking, technology, LSN, BCMS, SLC and more!. Only those approved and enrolled in SBE are allowed to apply for LSN, BCMS, and SLC.
>>For those interested in working at LSN, BCMS, or SLC next year, be sure you sign up and choose SBE.
Marketing Work Experience
Joy Reed, Coordinator
>> Customer service type jobs in retail, restaurants, hospitality, and more!
Cooperative Career Experience
Joy Reed, Coordinator
>> Skills, trades, and other type of ‘hands-on’ jobs such as daycare, automotive, culinary, construction, maintenance, and more!
Enrollment is just around the corner, apply now so that you can be approved to enroll!